Diet Starts Tomorrow, Today We Bake
Welcome to my world of baking, travel, art, food & drink!
Diet Starts Tomorrow, Today We Bake
Welcome to my world of baking, travel, art, food & drink!
Welcome to my world of baking, travel, art, food & drink!
Welcome to my world of baking, travel, art, food & drink!
There is nothing wrong with a boxed cake mix, brownie mix or a cookie pouch mix! In fact, some of these things are a God send!! Through some of my recipes and my classes we will learn how to make these premise box sets turn into a homemade masterpiece that you can be proud of! After all, these mixes are simply the dry ingredients of a recipe measured out for you!
You don't need to be Martha Stewart to create delicious treats... in fact, no offense Martha (I love you), but your recipes can be intense and the juice isn’t always worth the squeeze. In these recipes and classes I will take you from as simple as a trifle and cookies to intricate cakes and cheesecakes. Our lives are full of stresses, whether it be work, traffic, relationships, family, etc., but baking should be that safe space that relaxes you. Baking should never be an added stress, so let’s come together and learn how to enjoy the basics and 101 of baking. Anyone can do it with an open mind and a little practice!
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